New toilets in Chacabamba Centro

Category: The Esperanza Project | 12 May 2017

New toilets in Chacabamba Centro

Today, 15 new toilets were delivered to the families of Chacabamba Centro, Cantón Colta, Province of Chimborazo.

With these, Ayuda Directa has built a total of 254 sanitary batteries in the sector, thus contributing to the improvement of the hygienic conditions of the community.

This project has been financed with contributions of 5 per thousand of Italian taxes.


Alejandro Cepeda Cepeda Dolores Cepeda Guaman Iglesia Luminar en el Mundo Josè Cepeda Gualli Jose Lopez, President of the village Josè Lopez Juana Guapi Cepeda Maria Angela Guaman Maria Pilamunga Guaman Paula Salazar Pedro Cepeda Pilco Pedro Chucho Petrona Guaman Guapi Rosa Elena Chucho Samuel Anilema Alberto Guaman

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