Training in Organic Agriculture in Cagrin Chacabamba Chico Community

Category: The Esperanza Project | 9 March 2010

Training in Organic Agriculture in Cagrin Chacabamba Chico Community

The community of Cagrín Chacabamba Chico (Colta's area) has an extension of the Chimborazo agricultural institute attended by kids from all ages interested in learning about agriculture, , livestock and forests.

From February our organization collaborates with debates around organic agriculture and its benefits.

During this month we've realized some workshops with the kids: plantation of vegetables, fabrication of biological insecticides with local plants and fruit fertilizers.

We are going to do more of those workshops in the following days.


Los chicos del colegio listos para el trabajo Elaboración de semilleros de hortalizas orgánicos

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